How to Monitor CPU and GPU Temperatures on Any Computer




The Open Hardware Monitor is a free open source application that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds of a computer.


Downloads. The free Open Hardware Monitor software runs on Microsoft Windows with the .NET Framework version 4.5 and above. On Linux systems the Open Hardware ...


HWMonitor for Windows® x86/x64 is a hardware monitoring program that reads PC systems main health sensors : voltages, temperatures, powers, currents, ...

Open Hardware Monitor

A free open source hardware monitoring application. - Open Hardware Monitor.

Open Hardware Monitor

The Open Hardware Monitor is a free open source software that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds of a computer.

Open Hardware Monitor 0.9.6 免安裝版

2020年12月28日 — The Open Hardware Monitor is a free open source software that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds of a ...

Open Hardware Monitor for Windows

The Open Hardware Monitor is a free open source application that monitors temperature ... Gives CPU voltages, all core temp/speed/load, fan speeds, GPU temp/speed ...

Using Open Hardware Monitor to Get CPU Temperature in ...

Step 1: Download Open hardware monitor. Download the lastest Open hard waremonitor software here. You can open the .exe file first to see your hardware ...


2020年4月23日 — Open Hardware Monitor 是一款集頻率、使用率、溫度、風扇轉速、電壓、功耗等硬體狀態監控的免費程式,附帶記錄功能,可產生CSV 格式記錄檔, ...


TheOpenHardwareMonitorisafreeopensourceapplicationthatmonitorstemperaturesensors,fanspeeds,voltages,loadandclockspeedsofacomputer.,Downloads.ThefreeOpenHardwareMonitorsoftwarerunsonMicrosoftWindowswiththe.NETFrameworkversion4.5andabove.OnLinuxsystemstheOpenHardware ...,HWMonitorforWindows®x86/x64isahardwaremonitoringprogramthatreadsPCsystemsmainhealthsensors:voltages,temperatures,powers,curren...